# Developer
If you develop your own Android application you can extend the functionality of movisensXS. To use this functionality please contact movisensXS to get a developer account.
There are several use cases to integrate movisensXS with your app:
- Your application starts or stops the sampling.
- Your application triggers something in the sampling (e.g. your app triggers an alarm or a form).
- Your application is triggered by the movisensXS sampling (e.g. movisensXS tells your application that a form has been completed).
- Your application provides an item format. movisensXS calls your app during a form. Your app returns its result to movisensXS which will store it.
# Start / Stop Sampling
Start the Sampling from your app:
sendBroadcast(new Intent("com.movisens.xs.android.core.intent.action.START_SAMPLING"));
Stop the Sampling from your app:
sendBroadcast(new Intent("com.movisens.xs.android.core.intent.action.STOP_SAMPLING"));
# Trigger Sampling
Trigger something in the sampling by sending an broadcast from your app to an *Intent Received *block in the movisensXS sampling (this block has to be added):
String reason = "High Heart Rate: 160bpm"; // Warning: The maximum length of the reason is: 230 characters - (intent action length (e.g. "com.yourApp.YourBroadcastName" = 29))
Intent intent = new Intent("com.yourApp.YourBroadcastName");
intent.putExtra("value", reason);
Receive a notification from movisensXS by receiving a broadcast in your app from an Send Intent block in the movisensXS sampling (this block has to be added):
public String intentName = "com.yourApp.YourReceiverName";
private BroadcastReceiver yourReceiver;
private IntentFilter theFilter;
theFilter = new IntentFilter();
this.yourReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
//This is executed if the "Send Intent" block in the sampling is reached.
//Your code goes here
registerReceiver(this.yourReceiver, theFilter);
# Custom Items
Your application can be started from inside a form. To do so include an External Application item in your form and specify the name of the action that starts your activity (e.g. : "com.yourApp.TEST").
In your application you have to add an intent filter that movisensXS can call your action:
<activity android:name=".YourSpecialTestActivity">
<action android:name="com.yourApp.TEST" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
In your developed activity just return your result as a string back to movisensXS with the following code:
String answer = "This is the result of your app";
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra("value", answer);
setResult(RESULT_OK, intent);
# Example Project
An example project that integrates all the samples above can be found on GitHub (opens new window).
# GIS-Trigger
This Trigger sends the location to an external Server which decides if a trigger should happen. This external server can e.g. use a geographic information system (GIS) to analyzes the data. As interface a HTTP-REST-interface is used. This interface must be accessible via a connection which is encrypted with SSL with a valid certificate. Furthermore the interface has to have a version number, so that if there are major changes there will be no incompatibility with the live system. Communication with the interface works via JSON-format.
When the Smartphone detects that the participant has changed its location, it will send the current location as well as the last location to the GIS-server. The server the decides based on its information if a trigger should be issued.
# Request
Parameter | Type | Description |
currentLocation | Location | Current location object |
lastLocation | Location | Last Location object |
# Location-Type
Parameter | Type | Description |
latitude | Float | Latitude |
longitude | Float | Longitude |
accuracy | Float | Accuracy of GPS reading, in meters |
timestamp | String <ISO8601> | Timestamp of location data collection |
# Response
Parameter | Type | Description |
trigger | Boolean | true if the smartphone should trigger a questionnaire, false if not |
# Example
# Example Request the Smartphone sends to the server
curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -d 'see below' https://server-url.com/api/v1/location/update
"currentLocation": {
"latitude": 45.5165,
"longitude": -122.6764,
"accuracy": 120.0,
"timestamp": "2014-02-18T15:04:53-0700"
"lastLocation": {
"latitude": 45.5165,
"longitude": -122.6764,
"accuracy": 10.2,
"timestamp": "2014-02-18T15:03:53-0700"
# Example Server Response that triggers
"trigger": true