# Move 4

# Welcome

Dear customer,

Thank you for choosing the Physical Activity Sensor Move 4 (opens new window) from movisens. With this sensor, you get the newest technology for mobile monitoring of physical activity in everyday life.

Picture Physical Activity Sensor Move 4

Please read this manual completely and thoroughly before bringing the measurement system into service! In this manual you will find all the relevant information for the use and maintenance of the measurement system, as well as tips for solving problems.

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. It is our pleasure to help you:

Phone: +49 721 381344-0

E-Mail: support@movisens.com

# Explanation of Symbols



Read the manual and the safety instructions to find out about possible hazards and the required actions to avoid these hazards!

# Scope of Application

Move 4 (opens new window) is a scientific research instrument that captures the physical activity and other secondary parameters derivable from these measurement signals. Move 4 is designed and tailored for the use in research applications.

The physical activity sensor Move 4 is not a medical device!

The sensor measures the physical activity of a person based on the acquisition of acceleration in three dimensions and atmospheric air pressure. Moreover the sensor also records the rotation rate and the ambient temperature.

The sensor configuration occurs via a USB connection to a Windows PC using the SensorManager (opens new window) software included in this package.

Move 4 allows the measurement of the following parameters:

  • Acceleration in three dimensions

  • Angular Rate

  • Atmospheric Air Pressure

  • Temperature

  • Marker

  • State of Charge

In conjunction with movisens DataAnalyzer (opens new window) the offline calculation and analysis of the following parameters is possible. In addition to these parameters, reports can be generated.

  • Movement Acceleration and Step Count

  • Activity Classes and Body Position

  • Energy Expenditure

  • Reports

In addition to the offline calculation, Move 4 offers the possibility of a live analysis of physical activity, and in conjunction with movisensXS (opens new window) - the software platform for experience sampling and the SensorTrigger (opens new window) - the realization of interactive ambulatory assessment strategies. In live mode, the following parameters can be measured, calculated and transmitted via Bluetooth Smart interface:

  • Movement Acceleration

  • Step Count

These values are transmitted at a rate of 1 value per minute. Additional live parameters will be available soon. Movement Acceleration is calculated in segments of 30 s. The transmitted value is the mean value of two segments.
Parameters that are marked with “(Bluetooth)” are only transmitted over Bluetooth interface, they are not stored on the sensor.

# Safety Instructions

Please follow these safety instructions. Improper use of the product may impair/affect the protection provided by the product and cause product damage or personal/physical injury:

  • Move 4 (opens new window) is not a medical device. Do not use it for a medical purpose.

  • Only use Move 4 for the intended use.

  • Carefully read and follow the cleaning instructions.

  • For long term measurements (> 1 day) we suggest wearing pauses of at least 20 min per day.

  • If any problems occur by wearing the sensor, band, belt or attachments (e.g. pressure marks, skin irritations or other discomfort), stop using the system immediately.

  • Only use the Move 4 under the specified environmental conditions.

  • To charge the battery of Move 4, only use USB 2.0 standard compatible devices.

  • Charge the sensor only at ambient temperatures below 45 °C.

  • The cradle is only intended for indoor use.

  • Never open Move 4.

  • The battery of Move 4 may only be changed by the manufacturer.

# Scope of Delivery and Accessories

In this chapter, you learn which parts are within the scope of delivery and what accessories are available. All of these parts can be reordered. Please consider the order numbers in the following paragraph.

To be able to do measurements a PC is needed in addition to the scope of delivery.

# Scope of Delivery

The following components are included in delivery:

Article Order No.
Move 4
Physical Activity Sensor
Raw data acquisition: 3D Acceleration 64 Hz, Angular Rate 64 Hz, Barometric Altitutde 8 Hz
Live analysis of data
Bluetooth Smart interface
For use with clip, belt or wristband
Includes SensorClip, Cradle, Micro USB cable and SensorManager software to configure the sensor and read out the data

Picture Physical Activity Sensor Move 4 backside

# Accessories

The following accessories can be ordered optionally:

Article Order No.
Wrist Band (S) (opens new window)
Size: S
Wrist Measurement: 13 cm to 16 cm
Wrist Band (M) (opens new window)
Size: M
Wrist Measurement: 15 cm to 18 cm
Wrist Band (L) (opens new window)
Size: L
Wrist Measurement: 17 cm to 23 cm
Wrist Band (XL) (opens new window)
Size: XL
Wrist Measurement: 20 cm to 28 cm
Hip Belt (S) (opens new window)
Size: S
Elastic Belt with SensorFix
Hip Measurement: 50 cm to 80 cm
Hip Belt (M) (opens new window)
Size: M
Elastic Belt with SensorFix
Hip Measurement: 70 cm to 100 cm
Hip Belt (L) (opens new window)
Size: L
Elastic Belt with SensorFix
Hip Measurement: 90 cm to 120 cm
Cradle 4 (opens new window)
Cradle for EcgMove 4
with Micro USB Interface
USB Charger (opens new window)
USB Charger for 110-240V
USB Hub (opens new window)
USB Hub 2.0, 7 Ports
Micro USB Cable 30102

On request we can offer chest belts for use with the Physical Activity Sensor Move 4.

Picture Wrist band

# Consumables

The following consumables can be ordered optionally:

Article Order No.
Meliseptol Rapid (250 ml) (opens new window)
Ready-to-use alcoholic disinfectant for spraying or wiping.
SensorFilm (50 pcs.) (opens new window)
Transparent adhesive film for attaching the sensors to the skin,
breathable and waterproof, simple and secure frame application,
size 10 x 12 cm

# Complementary Products

The following products can be used together with the Move 4:

Article Order No.
DataAnalyzer Base
Single User Licence
Basic Software with Algorithms for Physical Activity
DataAnalyzer Module EnergyExpenditure
Single User Licence, in combination with DataAnalyzer Base
Algorithms for Energy Expenditure
DataAnalyzer Module Sleep
Single User Licence, in combination with DataAnalyzer Base
Algorithms for Sleep Analysis
DataAnalyzer Module Physical Activity Metrics
Single User Licence, in combination with DataAnalyzer Base
Algorithms to calculate Physical Activity Metrics
movisensXS Basic
Experience Sampling for Android
Bundle license for 10.000 item results usable with unlimited number of smartphones
movisensXS Gold
Experience Sampling for Android
Bundle license for 100.000 item results usable with unlimited number of smartphones
movisensXS Platinum
Experience Sampling for Android
Bundle license for 1.000.000 item results usable with unlimited number of smartphones
Solution for Interactive Ambulatory Assessment
to retrieve the sensor data on your android device and trigger forms in movisensXS

# Complete Measurement System

A complete system for measurement and analysis of the physical activity consists of the following components:

# Description of the Sensor

Depending on the application, Move 4 (opens new window) sensor can be worn in various locations, e.g.

  • with a belt at the hip

  • with a wrist band on the wrist

  • with an additional chest belt at the sternum

  • with electrodes at various positions, including upper arm, chest, and thigh

  • with adhesive film at various positions, including thigh and upper arm

For the different sensor locations, the sensor system offers different possibilities for the analysis of the acceleration signal (see here (opens new window)). The preferred position for energy expenditure measurements is the hip.

Move 4 is also equipped with a Bluetooth Smart interface. The sensor can be used in conjunction with a gateway or a mobile phone for live applications.

The axes of the integrated acceleration sensor are defined as described in the following figure:

Picture Physical Activity Sensor Move 4 - Axes of acceleration sensor

Move 4 is equipped with a multi-colored LED to show the status of the sensor:

Status-LED Meaning
Flashing red (once per second) The sensor is active and records data
Flashing red slowly (every two seconds) Delayed recording active
Flashing green The sensor is connected to a PC or a charger. The battery is fully charged.
Flashing blue The sensor is connected to a PC or a charger. The battery is actually being charged.
Flashing magenta The sensor is active and records data. It is connected to a charger. The battery is actually being charged.
Flashing yellow The sensor is active, records data. It is connected to a charger. The battery is fully charged.
Flashing red fast (three times per second) An Error occurred. Reset sensor. If the sensor doesn’t stop flashing, please contact the support team.
No LED active The sensor is inactive or the measurement is paused because of low battery.

Combinations of red and green blinking as well as red and blue blinking are possible with the appropriate combination of the above described meanings.

Move 4 features a vibration alarm when a marker (opens new window) is set.

# Software Installation

This chapter describes how to install and uninstall the software and how to update it. Beside this, the system requirements are defined.

# System Requirements

Before installing the software, please check if the following system requirements are fulfilled.

  • PC with one of the following Versions of Microsoft Windows: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

  • USB 2.0 Port

  • Administrator rights during installation

  • A minimum of 300 MB free space on hard disc

The software consists of two programs:


In addition to this, analysis software, android sensor trigger app and cloud service for experience sampling can be ordered as a complement to the sensor (see 4.3):

  • DataAnalyzer: Program to analyze the stored sensor data.

  • movisensXS: Experience sampling platform.

  • SensorTrigger: android sensor trigger app to evaluate the analyzed data transmitted over Bluetooth smart interface.

  • DataMerger: Tool for the integration of data assessed with different methods

# Installing the Software

Please ensure that your PC fulfills the requirements described above.

Step 1: Download the Software

Step 2: Double click the file “movisens_SensorManager_Setup.exe“

  • The Installation runs automatically in the background. After successful installation, shortcuts are created in the Windows Start Menu under the entry “movisens SensorManager”.

    Screenshot SensorManager in Windows Start Menu

The use of the different programs is explained in the following chapters.

Step 3: Double click the file “UnisensViewer_Setup_Full.exe“

  • The Installation runs automatically in the background. After successful installation, a shortcut “UnisensViewer” is created in the Windows Start Menu.

The use of UnisensViewer is explained in the UnisensViewer User Manual (opens new window).


If you ordered a licence for DataAnalyzer, please follow the next step. Detailed information can be found in the DataAnalyzer User Manual (opens new window).

Step 4: Double click the file “DataAnalyzer_Setup_Full.exe“

  • The Installation runs automatically in the background. After successful installation, a shortcut “DataAnalyzer” is created in the Windows Start Menu.

    Screenshot DataAnalyzer in Windows Start Menu

# Updating the Software

You need an internet connection to make an update. Select Windows Start Menu => movisens SensorManager => Updater.

If a new version is available, it will be downloaded and installed automatically after starting the updater software.

# Updating the Sensor Firmware with SensorManager

If the SensorManager contains a sensor firmware version that is newer than the firmware on the sensor a button “Update sensor” is shown.

Step 1: Make sure that the sensor is charged.

Step 2: Start the update by clicking the “Update sensor” button.

  • Never unplug the sensor during firmware update or interrupt the firmware update process.

Screenshot Firmware Update

The end of firmware update is shown, by confirming you will return to the SensorManager.

Screenshot Update Done

# Updating the Sensor Firmware with Firmware Updater

Special firmware versions are used to change the default configuration of the sensor, e.g. in customized sensor applications or to deactivate the Bluetooth interface. You can get these firmware versions on request from movisens.

To install the new firmware, please start
Windows Start Menu => movisens SensorManager => Firmware Updater

You can now select the new firmware and Start the update.

  • Please note that updating the firmware will stop any running measurements and also stop scheduled measurements (delayed start).

# Uninstalling the Software

The software can be uninstalled using the Windows Control Panel.

# Handling

This chapter describes how to prepare a measurement and how to attach the sensor to a test person. Furthermore you get information on how to save, delete and analyze data from the sensor.

A typical usage scenario for the assessment of data and offline analysis is shown in the following diagram. The relevant software for each step is indicated on the left side of the diagram.

typical usage scenario

The different steps are described in further detail in the chapters indicated on the right of the diagram.

If you want to use the sensor in combination with the experience sampling platform movisensXS, the different steps to use the sensor are shown in the following figure. Unlike the offline measurement, the measurement is initiated on your mobile device.

steps to use the sensor

The right side of the diagram illustrates the process to prepare and run a study on movisensXS.

To retrieve the data from the Move 4, you have to read out the sensor after the measurement. The results of movisensXS only contain the sensor information that causes a trigger.

# Charging the Sensor

Step 1: Connect the cradle with the USB cable to a USB port (USB port of your computer or another port that conforms to USB standard like USB hub or USB charger). Attach the sensor with the help of the push buttons at the cradle. Please make sure that the 4 contacts are connected (marked red in the picture). To charge multiple sensors at the same time, we suggest using a USB hub.

Picture Physical Activity Sensor Move 4 - USB contacts

  • After connecting the sensor to a USB port, the charging process starts immediately. During charging, the status LED is blinking blue. If the sensor is fully charged, the LED is blinking green. The charging process of the sensor can take up to two hours, depending on the battery status of your sensor.

  • If the sensor is fully charged, the battery run time during recording is 7 days.

Step 2: To extend the measurement duration you can recharge the sensor during a measurement.

  • We suggest to use a USB charger to recharge the sensor during the measurement.

When recharging the sensor please ensure that the battery is fully charged (until the sensor is blinking yellow).

  • To be sure that the sensor is not running out of battery, you must advise the test persons to recharge the sensor every day until it is blinking yellow. The time for daily recharging the sensor is about 15 minutes.

If you recharge the sensor regularly you can make a measurement up to the maximum recording capacity of the sensor of about 4 weeks.

If the battery level of the sensor is getting down to 10 % or less, the measurement will be paused. The LED stops flashing. You can connect the sensor to a USB charger and recharge the battery. If you disconnect the sensor from charger after battery level is recharged to 30% or more, the measurement will be restarted.

If the sensor is discharged completely (e.g. after a long period where it was not used), it can take up to several minutes until the sensor reacts and can be identified by the computer.

You can control the battery status before the measurement with the sensor manager, see the following section.

# Preparing a Measurement

Before conducting a measurement please make sure you installed the software as described here (opens new window).

Step 1: Start the SensorManager by selecting Windows Start Menu => movisens SensorManager => SensorManager

  • SensorManager is now searching for available sensors.

Screenshot SensorManager Searching Sensor

Step 2: Connect the Move 4 sensor to your PC using the cradle.

  • The software will automatically detect the device and open the following window:

Screenshot SensorManager

This application shows information about the sensor, parameters that are measured and the last measurement.

Before you start a measurement please check the charging status of the battery. The maximum measurement duration can only be reached when the battery is fully charged.

  • When connecting for the first time allow up to 30 seconds for the device to be detected, as it must first install the necessary driver.

# Starting a Measurement

To start a measurement, please perform the following steps:

Step 1: In the SensorManager software click on the „Start Recording“ button in the lower left of the window.

  • You can see the following window:

Screenshot Move 4 Measurement Configuration

If the battery level of the sensor is less than or equal to 10 % when clicking on the „Start Recording“ button, the following message appears.

Screenshot SensorManager Battery Low

Please connect the sensor to an USB charger!

Step 2: Configure the measurement:

The following information is mandatory before starting a measurement:

  • Measurement duration: The maximum measurement duration of the Move 4 is about 7 days without recharging the sensor an 4 weeks when recharging the battery during the measurement.
  • Start time: You can start the measurement immediately or delayed at a specific time. If you want to start your measurement delayed please specify the date and time. The given time should not be more than 2 days from now as the maximum measurement duration can be influenced.

You have the possibility to disable the Bluetooth interface of the sensor during the measurement by clicking the checkbox.

You can enter the personal information of the proband. This information can also be entered when storing the data after the measurement. For some of the parameters that can be calculated live on the sensor during the measurement, the additional information about the person and the sensor location is mandatory.

The age of the person can be calculated from birthdate. To do this, you have to enter the birthdate and press the “<” button.

If the sensor is used for the second time with the same proband and the personal data was stored before, you can load this data by clicking “Load proband info from Sensor”

Step 3: Start the measurement by clicking the „Start“ button.

  • You will see the following window:

    Screenshot SensorManager Remove Sensor

Step 4: Please follow the instructions and remove the sensor from the cradle.

Step 5: Check if the LED is flashing red

  • The status LED will flash red once per second as soon as the measurement has started and data will be recorded. If a delayed start was configured the LED flashes red every two seconds until the measurement starts.

  • At the end of the measurement the LED stops flashing.

  • If you reconnect the sensor after starting a measurement again with a PC, the following message is shown:

    Screenshot SensorManager Sensor Recording

Please select if you want to stop the measurement, e.g. to read out the data, or if you want to continue measuring.

  • If you connect the sensor to a USB charger, the measurement won’t be stopped. That means you can extend the measurement duration by intermediately charging the sensor during a measurement.

  • If the battery level of the sensor is getting down to 10 % or less, the measurement will be paused. The LED stops flashing. You can connect the sensor to a USB charger and recharge the battery. If you disconnect the sensor from charger after battery level is recharged to 30% or more, the measurement will be restarted.

# Attaching the Sensor to the Test Person

Attach the sensor to one of the following locations:

  • Use the supplied Belt Attachment to attach the sensor to the hip. We suggest to use the right side hip. The movisens logo should face directly to the right as depicted in the following image.

    Picture Physical Activity Sensor Move 4 - worn at hip

  • Use a chest belt to attach the sensor level with the participant’s sternum. The movisens logo should face directly forward.

    Picture Physical Activity Sensor Move 4 - worn at chest

  • Use the wrist band to attach the sensor to the non-dominant hand of the test person. At this position only simple parameters like Movement Acceleration can be measured.

    Picture Physical Activity Sensor Move 4 - worn at wrist

  • Disposable electrodes can also serve as an attachment mechanism, and can be used at various locations such as upper arms, thighs, and chest

    Picture Physical Activity Sensor Move 4 - worn at arm

  • Use adhesive film to tape the sensor in place. Suitable for the upper arms and thighs.

Picture Physical Activity Sensor Move 4 - worn at thigh

Depending on the position of the sensor, different parameters can be analyzed after the measurement. Please refer to the DataAnalyzer User Manual (opens new window) for more details which parameter can be calculated at which sensor position.

The following figure lists the possible sensor locations.

sensor locations

# Setting a Marker

Markers can be used in measurements with the sensors to mark specific events. Markers can be set either during or after the measurement. They can be used to annotate the measurement data to better understand what happened during the measurement. They can also be used to mark certain areas that require special attention when analysing the data.

# How to work with markers

1st possibility: marker can be set during measurement. Therfore the user has to tap two times on the front side of the sensor. The sensor vibrates to confirm the successful setting of a marker.

2nd possibility: marker can be set with our Marker Tool request information.

3rd possibillity: marker can be set after measurement within the UnisensViewer (opens new window). Open the measurement with the UnisensViewer tool. If markers already exist, right-click in the marker window and select 'Set marker'. If there are no markers, a marker can be set in any window. Note that the sampling frequency (and therefore the precision of the time definition) depends on the signal in which the marker is set.
Recommendation: Set the markers in the signal with the highest sample rate. A new file will then be created for the markers and a name must be given to it.
Recommendation: The file name should be self-explanatory, e.g. "marker".
Edit marker: Open the file marker.csv with a text editor. A marker (line) consists of a marker type (e.g. M1) and a marker comment (e.g. Start), separated by a semicolon: ⋅⋅*M1;Start;
The name for the marker type should be kept as short as possible. In the UnisensViewer only the marker type is displayed over time, in the sidebar also the marker comment of the marker to the left of the mouse pointer.
Analyse marker:The measurement with markers can be evaluated with the DataAnalyzer. The markers are displayed in the Results.xlsx file.

# Stopping a Measurement

The measurement will automatically be stopped if the configured measurement duration has passed.

A running measurement can also be stopped when the sensor is connect to a PC.

# Storing Measurement Data

The measurement data of the sensor is stored as raw data (e.g. the acceleration data as it is measured). The data is not processed or aggregated neither in the sensor nor in the SensorManager software. Due to that you have a sustainable database with all the raw data of your study that can be used with future studies and with future algorithms.

To store recorded measurement data on the PC do the following steps:

Step 1: Start the SensorManager by selecting
Windows Start Menu => movisens SensorManager => SensorManager

Step 2: Connect Move 4 sensor to the PC using the cradle.

  • After the SensorManager has detected the connected sensor, the following window will be shown:

Screenshot SensorManager

Step 3: Click on „Save Measurement Data“.

  • You will see the following window:

Screenshot SensorManager Save Data

Step 4: Please type in the following information:

  • Select the base folder, where your measurements should be stored. To do this, click the button after the text field.

  • Type in the ID of the measurement. If you want to use date and time in the ID click the “Timestamp” button.

  • If the measurement data shall be further processed with the movisens DataAnalyzer the additional information about the person and the sensor location is mandatory. If you stored the information about the person at the beginning of the measurement, this data will be shown here.

Step 5: Finally click on „Save data“

The measurement data will be stored either in the unisens format or as .csv file. Unisens is an open data format for multi sensor data. You can find further information about unisens here (opens new window).

  • If you store the measurement data in .csv format, you can’t analyze the data with the movisens DataAnalyzer.

A unisens data set consists of meta file (unisens.xml) and different data files for each measurement signal. If you store data in unisens format, the following files will be generated:

Screenshot SensorManager Move 4 Files

  • The software confirms the end of data storing process. The following window is shown:

    Screenshot SensorManager Delete Data

You can select if you want to delete the data on sensor. The data on the sensor has to be deleted before you start a new measurement. You can do this now or directly when starting the next measurement.

  • After this, you can select how to continue.

    Screenshot SensorManager Show Data

You can now directly show the stored data. We recommend that you open the data within the UnisensViewer to check for completeness.

This is the default option if you hit enter at this stage. The measurement will be opened in the UnisensViewer. You can use this program to crop and edit the signal, and to make sure that the measurement signals appear clear and intact.

If you have installed the movisens DataAnalyzer you can directly start data analysis and generate reports by clicking on “Analyze data”. You can find more information in the DataAnalyzer User Manual (opens new window).

# Multipart Measurement

If the measurement was paused because of a low battery level, and continued after recharging the battery, the measurement is stored in multiple parts.

Screenshot SensorManager Multipart Data Structure

In this case, the selection how to continue looks like in the following window.

Screenshot SensorManager Open Folder

If you want to check the measurement data, you have to go to the folder and open the different parts of the measurement with UnisensViewer.

A Multipart measurement can be analyzed with DataAnalyzer by using the batch mode (see DataAnalyzer User Manual (opens new window)). The results of the multiple parts of the measurement can be merged with DataMerger (see DataMerger User Manual (opens new window))

# Viewing Measurement Data

To view recorded measurements click on „Show data“ directly after storing the data.

To view previously stored measurements use the Windows Explorer to navigate to your measurements folder and then open the folder with the desired ID. Then double click on the “unisens.xml” file. The measurement will then be shown in the UnisensViewer:

Picture UnisensViewer

A first preprocessing of the data can be done with UnisensViewer. You can crop your signal to the desired time, set markers and annotate artefacts. Details can be found in the UnisensViewer User Manual (opens new window).

You directly start the analysis of the data with DataAnalyzer by clicking the “Analyze Data” button.

# Analyzing Data


To analyze the data, movisens offers the modular analyzing software DataAnalyzer. This product is a scientific software application for the analysis of physiological measurement data. The software is optimized for, but not limited to use with sensor systems from movisens.

With the help of the DataAnalyzer, you can calculate secondary parameters from your physiologic measurement data, create summaries and reports. The DataAnalyzer can batch-process complete measurement data bases.

Analyzing Data

After selecting a measurement, the DataAnalyzer displays all the possible analysis outputs (secondary parameter and reports). The list of analysis outputs depends on your licensed modules and the data contained in your measurement. You can now select the desired analysis output(s). If you want to select more than one analysis output, keep the Ctrl-key pressed while selecting.

The results of the analysis are stored as a unisens data set. A unisens data set consists of meta file (unisens.xml) and different data files for each measurement signal and secondary parameter. Secondary parameters are stored as .csv files within the unisens data set and can be processed e.g. with Microsoft Excel or SPSS

# Cleaning Instructions

It is important to clean the sensor, the wrist bands and the hip belts regularly to avoid possible infections between users.

Clean the sensor and the band/belt at least after each participant.

# Cleaning the Sensor

If you want to clean Move 4 and plastic attachment parts, please note the following:

  • Disconnect the sensor from band/belt or cradle.

  • Use fast-acting alcoholic surface disinfectant (e.g. Meliseptol Foam Pure) to clean the complete sensor housing. Respect the instructions of the manufacturer.

# Cleaning the Bands and Belts

To clean the band and belt please observe the following:

  • Disconnect the sensor from the band/belt.

  • Disinfect the band/belt with fast-acting alcoholic surface disinfectant (e.g. Meliseptol rapid). Respect the instructions of the manufacturer.

  • Wash the band/belt by hand and not in the washing machine. Use a mild liquid detergent.

  • After washing rinse the band/belt with clear water.

  • Directly after washing, air-dry the band/belt before storing or using it for new measurements.

# Maintenance and Proper Disposal

# Maintenance

Besides charging the batteries, Move 4 does not need any further maintenance. The battery capacity will decrease slowly with charging cycles and age. The battery can only be changed by movisens. Please contact us in the case when a replacement is necessary.

# Proper disposal

For the proper disposal send Move 4 back to movisens. Alternatively contact a licensed, certified electronic scrap disposal merchant. Please consider your local regulations for waste disposal.

# Troubleshooting

For any issues regarding one of our products, please see the instructions on our support platform.

# Resetting the Sensor

In rare cases it might be necessary to reset the sensor. There are three possibilities:

  • If the sensor is detected as USB device when connected to the PC (you hear the typical windows sound and the sensor is shown in the Windows Device Manager)

    • Either start the program Reset Sensor from the Windows start menu.
    • Or open SensorManager and press F12 while the sensor is connected
  • If the sensor is not detected as USB device follow these steps

    • detach sensor from USB port / USB charger
    • attach sensor to USB port / USB charger
    • wait for 6s
    • detach sensor from USB port / USB charger

Regardless of the method, after a successful reset the LED flashes in all colours one after the other (blue, red, green).

# Technical Data

Power supply Lithium-Polymer-Battery
Battery voltage 3,7 V
Number of charging cycles 300 (with 1 C / 1 C > 80%)
Internal memory 4 GB
Maximum recording capacity 4 weeks
Battery run time ~ 7 days
Recharging time ~ 1 hour
Size of sensor (W x H x D) 62,3mm x 38,6mm x 11,5mm
Weight of sensor 25 g
Protection rate Waterproof (IP64)
Internal sensors

3D acceleration sensor:

Measurement range: +/- 16 g

Output rate: 64 Hz

Rotation rate sensor:

Measurement Range: +/-2000 dps

Resolution: 70 mdps

Output rate: 64 Hz

Pressure sensor:

Measurement range: 300 - 1100 hPa

Resolution: 0,03 hPa

Output rate: 8 Hz

Temperature sensor:

Output rate: 1 Hz

Live Analysis

Movement Acceleration

Step count


LED, 3-color

Vibration alarm

User Interfaces Marker (tapping)
Interfaces Micro-USB, Bluetooth Smart (4.0)

Java API for USB (Windows)

Example for Bluetooth Smart (Android)

Wear locations Hip, Chest, Wrist, Upper Arm, Ankle, Thigh
Wearing systems Wrist Band, Belt Adapter and Belt
Environmental conditions Sensor

indoor/outdoor use, pollution degree 2

Altitude: up to 2000m

Ambient Temperature:

-20 °C to 55 °C

5°C to 40°C during charging

Maximum rel. humidity: 80% for temperatures up to 31°C, linearly decreasing to 50% for temperatures >= 40°C

Environmental conditions Cradle indoor use only, pollution degree 1, other conditions as above

# Disclaimer

The products this manual describes are subject to change without prior notice. movisens makes no representations or warranties with respect to this manual or with respect to the products described herein.

movisens shall not be liable for any damages, losses, costs or expenses, direct, indirect or incidental, consequential or special, arising out of, or related to the use of this material or the products described herein.

# Trademarks

Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

Last Updated: 5/16/2024, 11:45:15 AM
© 2025 movisens GmbH, Imprint