# Analysis Software DataAnalyzer

# Can I test DataAnalyzer software?

Yes. Simply download the DataAnalyzer Software from our website. It comes with a 30 day free trial period, which can also be extended an additional 15 days upon request. Otherwise, to continue using the software you’ll need to purchase a licence.

# Can I use the DataAnalyzer software on multiple PC's?

The DataAnalyzer software is for a single-user license. When the program sends the request for a key, it is specific for the workstation that it is sent from. This means that a specific license key for each workstation on which the software will be used will be required. Once the software has been unlocked using a license key, it is registered exclusively for this workstation. If you need to use the DataAnalyzer on another computer, you will need to purchase an additional licence.

# What operating system is supported?

The software can be installed on computers running Microsoft Windows 7 and above.

# The installation of DataAnalyzer fail, what can I do?

Please make sure that no virus scanner is preventing the installation.

# I've purchased a licence, however the DataAnalyzer shows that no licence is available?

If you need to use the DataAnalyzer software beyond the initial 30 day free trial, you need to register the product. A licence key must be purchased through movisens from the computer which you intend to use the software on. Once the licence is received from us, the software will be able to be used again.

# How do I change the language settings of the software?

Currently the language of the software (English or German) is dependent on the language of the operating system.

# Where do I find which version of software I have?

You can find the version number at the top of the window after opening the software. To update the software, please use the updater which can be found via: Start Menu -> movisens DataAnalyzer -> Updater. The updates are free of charge.

# Why is the analysis of data slow?

Please check if the data your are analyzing is not stored on a network drive.

# I cannot analyze my measurement data?

When storing the Measurement data with SensorManager make sure it is saved as unisens with binary data files (i.e. check if the dataset contains a acc.bin file).

# The DataAnalyzer doesn't display the secondary parameters that I require.

The display of secondary parameters depends on what additional licence modules have been installed, and what sensor was utilised to gather the data. There are currently three additional modules available: EnergyExpenditure, Cardio, and EDA. The DataAnalyzer will recognise all of the measurement data and offer relevant secondary parameters. For example for a Cardio parameter the ECG signal is necessary. If the required signal isn’t available, the DataAnalyzer will not show the secondary parameter.

# Why does the output of the AEE seem too small?

The calculation of the AEE is based on acceleration data. From this data, everyday activities are recognised, and for each recognisable activity there is a model for the AEE calculation. This means that AEE cannot be calculated perfectly for non-everyday activities, especially activities with a static effort (i.e. without acceleration). In certain cases, the heart rate may be a better measure of stress. For example, before the actual investigation you could make measurements for everyday activities and then create an individual HR -> AEE model. Then during the actual examination, you can then use that data to convert HR values to AEE.

# There are gaps in the output of the HRV data. What causes this?

If the ECG Signal quality does not allow calculation, there are gaps in the representation of the HRV parameters. This inadequate signal quality can have different reasons:

  • The belt is too tight or too loose.
  • The belt has been placed in position too close to the start of the measurement. It takes about 10 minutes until the dry electrodes on the belt reach the optimum conductivity.
  • Motion artefacts. Excessive movement or muscle strain at the electrode positions can lead to motion artefacts.
  • Cardiac arrhythmia
  • After every measurement we recommend checking the ECG data with the UnisensViewer. In doing so, one quickly develops a feeling on how to optimize the sensor for the generation of high-quality data.
Last Updated: 5/10/2023, 3:16:11 PM
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